About ABNS

ABNS is a Manager Security Service Provider (MSSP) that also provides Managed Services, Cloud Services and Vulnerability Services to meet the needs of our clients. We’re committed to ensuring your business or organization receives the most reliable and professional service in Chicago and surrounding areas. We focus on securityand technology leaving you free to focus on your mission and growth potential. Our tailored plans meet your technology needs for consistent optimal and secure performance. We are ready to put our knowledge to work for you, developing strategies and solutions utilizing the latest technology.

Today, companies are more dependent on their business technology. It is imperative that they have a reliable, secure and streamlined network in order to maintain business productivity. As more mission critical applications reside on business networks, having expert vulnerability detection and security response expertise is vital.

ABNS offers 24/7/365 Network Monitoring as part of our Managed Services. With proactive monitoring, issues will be identified before they become critical. This assures network uptime, availability and performance. Whether your server is running out of disk space, working inefficiently, or has stopped communicating, issues are analyzed and remedied before affecting your network.